How is GPA Calculation done?

GPA calculator is basically used in calculating grade point average (GPA) and generating a GPA report. Just as your high school classes, final grades are awarded either via letters like A-, B+, etc. or in percentages like 92%, 85%, etc. The full phrase of GPA is grade point average, and it converts these letters or percentages into numbers and then makes an average of these together. The general formula of calculating GPA is to divide the overall points earned in a program by the ultimate number of attempted credits.

Why is GPA important?

GPA is made up of all your grades and one of the most important factors used in admissions of college and educational institutions. It’s a general indicator of your merit, work ethic, intelligence, perseverance, and willingness to improve by working on your skills. GPAs are useful for colleges to easily compare every newly graduated candidate from the same school with all the other applicants.

It is really hard for an admission authority to go through each transcript individually, add up all the grades and percentages and then compare the candidates. Here comes GPA, a quick summary number used for easy comparison across the board. And facilitates easy calculation of your GPA.

Now let’s have an idea on the Step-by-Step Calculation in a GPA Calculator:

1. Required information:

First, to calculate a Grade Point Average (GPA), the following information is required; the total number of credits for the courses you have attempted. Using the unofficial mark sheet, you can gather the final grades you have earned in all your classes, Point values for those grades.

2. Convert Grades into Decimals:

After collecting all the information start by converting all the letter grades into numbers. The Grading systems can vary in different countries, examination boards or even schools. So you have to look for what is going to be applicable in your respect.

3. Calculate Individual Year GPAs:

To know the GPA of each individual year, all you need to do is divide the total by the number of classes. In case this division sums up with a long or endless decimal, just round to the nearest hundredth.

4. Calculate Cumulative High School GPA:

To get a cumulative GPA based on the total performance of your entire high school career, you should add up the sums of all the years and divide by the number of classes you have attempted over all those years.

5. Calculate GPA Submitted to Colleges:

Finally, if you want to figure out the GPA that will be sent out to your college applications, you have to go through the same process. But keep in mind that cumulative GPA cannot be an average of each year as the number of attempted classes is different each year.

6. In case of failing the GPA will drop too:

GPA falls sharply if a student fails a class as there will be no grade points earned for that course. Yet, the credits attempted from that course are going to be included in the final attempted credits.

Guidelines for raising GPA:

There are no such fixed formulas for one to follow to raise the GPA, but some common strategies and study habits that can be helpful if you are trying to increase your GPA. Actively attending classes will help a student to take class notes, clear confusions and gather necessary tips to solidify his/her understanding of a topic increasing the overall depth of knowledge on a subject. These can eventually improve a person’s grade and overall GPA.


Finally, following one’s own style of learning, regularly exercising the text, taking several breaks, a student will perform better in exams, for a better GPA.

Learn more about the Grade Point Average (GPA) and its calculation, on this website:

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