Web.com Reviews Looks at Ways to Stay Connected During COVID-19 Lockdown


Human beings are social beings with a culture and civilization that can’t progress without interaction. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has activated the giant pause button for humanity. According to Web.com Reviews, humans are social beings and it is especially important during this time to stay connected and support each other. Here are some easy ways to stay connected with your friends, family, and community during the lockdown.

The Suggestions

  1. Organize a virtual film festival – If you thought that you need to be in the same room with others to enjoy a film with your loved ones, then technology is here to prove you wrong and pleasantly surprise you. There has never been a better time to explore the new solutions and the advantage they offer. You can open a chat session with your group of friends or family and start a movie at the same time. Share your delights, opinions, and outrage about the film live with others. Drinks and dinner taste even better when you watch a movie together.

Netflix has also capitalized on this opportunity and introduced the Netflix Party service to its consumers. If you and your friends have a Netflix account, you can conduct similar movie nights and film festivals as the service syncs the timing over several devices and lets you share opinions on its own live chat service.

  1. Stick to your routine as much as possible – Fortunate ones among us are working from home. However, it is easy to mess up your day when you aren’t working in a setting that helps you focus. Hence, it is important that you maintain your pre-lockdown schedule as much as possible. If breakfast timings used to be around 7:30 am, have it at that time. If dinner was cooked during a certain time, stick to that. If you met up with your friends for coffee or just to hang out in the evening, then do that with a video call instead of going out.
  1. Enjoy working out in the sunshine – While social distancing and self-isolation should always be maintained during the pandemic, your exercise routine doesn’t need to be affected. Instead of crowded places like the gym, you can go out for a jog or bike your way during the morning. Bathe in the sunshine with fewer people on the road, in the park, and nature in its revived state. You can also help your community members who are in need without risking your health. During this time, it is especially important to support one another.
  1. Dress up and go on a digital date – Video chat app downloads have surged in the past month for good reason. You can also go on a digital date with the right chat app. No need to hold back. You can dress up to look your best even when you are going from your bedroom to your living room.


Web.com Reviews believes that self-quarantine is essential to fight this pandemic. However, we should also take care of our mental health and stay connected as much as possible with our loved ones to come out stronger after this crisis.

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