The Best Industries for Programmers in 2021

In order to be considered a computer programmer, it is required that individuals be proficient in numerous programming languages such as JavaScript and Python, as well as demonstrating considerable analytical skills accompanied by a healthy dose of creativity.

Computer programmers may find themselves in high-demand in numerous industries especially with businesses who require the effective use of technology. These days, this applies to most companies and as such programmers may carve out a place for themselves in many different areas.


Those who work in the cybersecurity industry are tasked with safeguarding sensitive information and looking into crimes and fraud which is computer-based. Programmers who want to go into this field have to study forensic digital analysis, applied cryptography, and system vulnerability identification. One of the ways to practice is to conduct “ethical hacking.”

Business software

Instead of only looking at the technical elements of computer programming, it’s also a good idea to consider the business aspect of it. This means that someone who is also interested in finance may be able to find a place for themselves as the head of IT teams, departments, and even companies. Some of the courses that are beneficial are statistics for business management, microeconomic theory, and financial accounting.

Artificial intelligence

These days it is becoming more and more commonplace for everyday businesses to integrate machine or artificial intelligence in order to resolve queries or execute duties with more precision. As such, those who are interested in artificial intelligence can have access to numerous fields in computer programming whilst utilizing their experience in complicated algorithm design and human language technologies.

Data science

The purpose of the data science industry is to gain new insights from various data points through the utilization of algorithms. Expertise in this field comes from knowledge of machine learning and management systems. Many professionals also go into the fields of database administration and data analysis.

Mobile development

Mobile development revolves around building programs and applications for mobile devices. Some of the skills which are useful include app development for every operating system as well as graphic design.

Career prospects

A career in computer programming can be a fruitful one – both in terms of job satisfaction, as well as financially. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the median annual salary of computer programmers was $86,550 in 2019. This means that this salary was more than double the median salary for all other occupations whose average was $39,810.

Attributes of a programmer

Being able to conduct research

In order to become proficient in new computer languages, a programmer needs to be able to do sufficient research. This research element is also required when faced with novel queries and errors present in other codes.

Thinking logically

Programmers must use logic in order to ascertain a problem, and figure out how to rectify the situation in the most effective way possible. This is done through conditional thinking meaning “if this, then that.”

Being able to problem-solve effectively

This is one of the most important skills of a programmer as even a miniscule problem in a section of code has the potential for a disastrous failure. The moment that a code is developed, they need to be maintained by the programmer in order to make it better or to identify and fix any bugs.

Being very patient

Seeing as a programmer’s work is very detailed, it may take hours to identify and rectify the piece of code that is causing problems. This may not always be possible and then the entire project needs to be discarded before being developed from scratch again.


Programmers need to be familiar with, at a minimum, one programming language. One of the most popular programming languages is JavaScript, and there are many resources online for those who’d like to learn more. One of these is js beginners where there are numerous projects to complete which serve as excellent practice.

Final take

According to Nagabhushanam “Bobby” Peddi, CEO of TRUiC, “the importance of programmers and coding in business is one that is growing exponentially – as quickly as technology is evolving. It behooves every business owner to understand how essential the service is, and to try to learn as much as possible about what will improve their company’s potential.”

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