Quirky ways to beautify your garage on a low budget!

Fed up of your old and rusty looking garage? Aren’t you searching for ideas to upgrade and beautify it soon? But your pocket doesn’t allow you to do much! We understand. But even you should understand that you need not spend loads in upgrading and renovating your garage. It is now possible even at very low expenses.

Ø Garage renovation guide for those who don’t want to spend much!

Most of the time you hesitate a lot to spend on a space like a garage. It’s just the stereotype in our minds — the garage is a space always stinking of petrol and is full of clutter that is covered with grease. But if you see the recent garages in magazines, you’ll find some really enticing looking garages which are cool enough to be your favourite place in your home. Are you tempted to do the same in your garage too? Well, don’t worry; we have got some easy-peasy tricks for the same that fits your budget very well!

o Cover the ugly concrete with a carpet – Let’s start from the base! Your ugly concrete floor is the main culprit making your garage look too ugly. Time to buy a nice-looking garage carpet in NZ, Unreal Lawns have got some pleasant looking designs and colours of the same which would spruce up your dull looking garage. And as these carpets are especially designed for the garage, you need not worry of them getting spoilt because of heavy vehicles and grease.

o DIY paint the walls — So, you want to beautify your garage and can’t afford a professional painter? Don’t worry! Just watch some good videos teaching you wall painting and you can happily splash colours on your garage walls.

o Even wallpapers are affordable— Another superb way to give your garage a new life is to have some alluring designs on the walls with the help of wallpaper. These are relatively less expensive than paints and the end result can be fantastic!

o Trash the clutter — No wonder your garage looks unattractive! There would be so many spare parts and clutter in this room. If you desire to upgrade this space, get rid of the clutter. (Throwing or selling them off is upon you! Also consider recycling.)

o Change the lights — You always had only a single light brightening your garage, didn’t you? Well, now your garage is getting a new life. Why not add some good light fixtures to make your garage space clearly visible and wonderful?

o Use unused space wisely — Garages are mostly wide. And most of the space in your garage is often unused. If you are renovating it, then why not utilise all the areas to the fullest? Add a table and chair and convert that spare corner as your study. Or just keep your gym accessories here to workout each morning. Use these spaces as per your choice — but do remember not to clutter or make it untidy.

After putting all these efforts, we are sure your garage would look totally new to you! Great! But don’t forget to keep maintaining the same to avoid making it untidy back again!

Learn more about the importance of decoration and renovation, on this website: www.lonestarborger.com

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