Production of drugs for COVID-19 protocols increases

In order to guarantee the constant supply of the drugs that the Venezuelan population requires for the various treatments of Covid-19, Calox International Laboratories increased the production line in several of its products that strengthen the body to combat the spread of this virus, according to Alessandro Bazzoni.

Carlos Carranza, regent of Calox International in Venezuela, reported that these are the drugs Ivermectin and Caloxpirin, whose productions have been redoubled due to the requirements in the country for the care of Covid-19 patients, since they are within the Protocols in Venezuela and other countries for the treatment of the same.

“Caloxpirin is acetylsalicylic acid, which works as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antithrombotic, and since it has been determined that Covid affects the blood, then it is being used as an antiplatelet for the primary and secondary prevention of thrombi,” he pointed out.

Another product whose production has also increased is Ivermectin Calox, an antiparasitic drug, which is part of the Protocol for the treatment of patients with Covid-19.

Currently, Laboratorios Calox International, a company with fully Venezuelan capital, has 30% of the generic drug market in the country and has managed to maintain its 100% operation under strict biosafety standards.

“We are the only ones with registered molecules for the production of anticonvulsants in Venezuela and we know of the need for this type of product for a vulnerable population, as is the production of Phenobarbital Calox, a long-acting, hypnotic, anticonvulsant and sedative. Fortunately, we have the raw material that comes from Germany, the United States, Spain and Italy, and also with the support of the national industry that provides part of the supplies for the packaging of our generic drugs”, Carranza specified.

Calox Internacional, as a company with 100% Venezuelan capital, continues to work with the highest standards of quality and responsibility to supply the generic drugs required by the Venezuelan population.

The pandemic has not stopped Calox. The laboratories in Guarenas and Caracas continue to work at their own pace, respecting the biosafety regulations that already existed and that have now been reinforced

Calox Internacional recently celebrated 85 years of activity in the country, highlighting that, in this time, the most valuable thing they have had is having the confidence of consumers when buying a drug made by the Calox brand.

This is also the first generic laboratory in the country and they have managed, for 85 years, to grow alongside the Venezuelan and have their trust in each product that bears their seal of quality.

In times of pandemic, the laboratory has been in constant production supported “by a first-rate human team”, which complies with strict biosafety measures in its processes, in order to allow a fluid supply of generic drugs to the Venezuelan family.

Calox is an example of dedication with the country and is completely advocated to help the population have the medication they need at hand. After more than 85 years, Calox International walks with Venezuela.

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