Matthew Davies Examines How to Handle the Psychological Effects of Moving


The psychological effect of moving is different for kids and adults. Upbringing also affects how people deal with moving. For instance, a research published by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine states that individuals with parents in the military who lived in different places while growing up were more vulnerable victims to substance abuse, early death, and even suicide. But fret not as Matthew Davies has listed a few ways you can handle the psychological effects of moving.

The Discussion

  1. Take Only the Essentials- One of the more stressful bits of moving is sorting and packing all your stuff. It is especially tedious if you have to do it frequently. Packing is mentally taxing, and a good rule of thumb is to chug anything you don’t need anymore. Try to stick only with essentials such as blankets, clothes, and anything with sentimental value.

It’s pointless to move the stuff if it no longer plays an active role in your life. If you have no use for the bike you bought five years ago, get rid of it. There is no use carrying it around, especially if your schedule prevents you from riding it. It’s both easier on your wallet and your mental health.

  1. Call in Some Friends- Having trouble moving? Calling over some friends is not only a great way to invite in some extra hands, but it also lessens the mental turmoil of leaving your old home.

Working is more fun when you have friends over. It can also remind you of all the times you spent here with your buddies. Plus, you may host a small farewell to conclude the day. Having friends over helps to lighten the mood and allows you to leave your old home in a rather cheery disposition.

  1. Prepare Yourself- Make a list of all the things you plan to move beforehand and don’t leave it for last. Moving is strenuous enough and going through all the essential bits for the final day further adds to the stress.

Some people start preparing for the move as early as 8 weeks in advance to ensure that they have everything organized for the big day. You can begin by packing essential valuables first and move your way down the list.

  1. Address the Occasion- It is normal for people to develop a natural attachment towards your old home. The significant bit is how you deal with the attachment. Some address the fact by celebrating with their friends, families, or their partners. You can have a small feast at a nice restaurant or visit a place you frequented during your stay in the neighborhood.

If you’re particularly sad about leaving your old place, then you can spend the day in your old home reliving the memories. Anything that lets you make peace with the fact that you’re moving somewhere new.


Moving is strenuous and taxing on the mind and body. Matthew Davies hopes that this list will

help you ease into the process and embrace the change in a positively welcoming manner.

Learn more about the mental health and the effects of moving form one place to another again and again, on this website:

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