How much time is required for the preparation of IAS exam?

This is one of the most common questions that come in the mind of every candidate. There is no hard and fast time that is to be required for the preparation of this exam. But generally, the candidates who are willing to appear for this exam starts preparing for it 1 year before the exam. One year or we can say 12 months are sufficient for the preparation of this exam if utilized in a very systematic order. Many candidates go for the best online classes for ias and some go for offline classes directly to the coaching centers.

There is no doubt if anyone says that this is one of the toughest exams to clear. It is not the game of a few days to clear the exam. It requires a long period of hard work if you want to clear the exam. Now comes the question of how many hours of study is required every day. It depends upon the time left for the exam and also for how long you have been preparing for the exam. This exam is quite longer than other exams. So it is obvious that the exam syllabus must be vast as well. Let’s have a look at the syllabus of the exam that is to be covered by the candidate in the preparation period.

It has 2 major portions that are further divided into 7 parts each so there are a total of fourteen parts of the exam. The first part of the exam is the prelims general studies exam. That include

  • The current affairs at national and international level
  • Indian and world geography that includes the social, economic, physical, geography of both India and the world
  • Indian history and Indian national movements
  • Indian governance and polity that includes a thorough study of the constitution, panchayat raj, rights, the political system, public policy, etc.
  • Social and economic development includes the details related to poverty in the country, demographics, social sector initiatives, etc.
  • Issues related to environments like change in climate and biodiversity
  • General Science.

The syllabus in the second portion of this exam is stated as follows:

  • Comprehension
  • Interpersonal skills that include communication skills
  • Logical reasoning that includes the various situation in which you need to analysis the things
  • Problem-solving and decision-making ability
  • Mental ability
  • Basic knowledge of mathematics that includes the basic syllabus that will be of the level of the class tenth.
  • English language that will be also of the level of class tenth

So this is the syllabus of this exam. So the person needs to make a thorough review of that and make an analysis that how much time is required to prepare for all this syllabus. He needs to understand this know much time he requires to start the preparation of this exam and every day how much time he needs to devote various parts of the exam. he can go for the best online courses for ias for better results in the exam. these courses will help in a better understanding of the concept related to the syllabus of the exam.

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