All You Need to Know About Waterproofing Your Walls

It is strongly believed that colors are synonymous with life and emotions. Colors are like a reflection of the inner soul. It is for this very reason that until today changing the wall color paints is taken to be the easiest, quickest, and the most affordable way of breathing an invigorated life into an otherwise washed-out house. Every few years the wall colors can be revamped, the furnishings and décor switched, and within days it’ll be like an altogether brand new residence. But creating that dream house is not quite a cakewalk. It needs a whole lot of thought, dedication, and preparation.

When wanting to begin a house painting project, it is prudent as well as desirable to consult painters in Noida for they have absolute subject knowledge. These painters in Noida can navigate through the process of pre-painting tasks such as wall cleaning, primer application, waterproofing, color selection, and application. Out of all the above tasks, one task that can prove to be a deal-breaker is waterproofing. As per agencies extending waterproofing service in Noida if the walls are not sealed properly and water continues to drip along, it adversely affects the life of the structure and also takes away the jazz of the paints. Thereby every caution must be exercised in getting waterproofing solutions done at the right spot and at the right time. Having all this said, here are some quick pointers to keep handy before beginning waterproofing work for the house.

  1. Evaluate First– Begin the process by identifying majorly damaged spots and moist walls. Recce the whole exterior as well as the interior spaces of the house to find any cracks or seams that need waterproofing.
  2. Clean up– Once the areas that need waterproofing are identified and selected, clean these surfaces with sandpaper and other ways to get off the dust, chipped plasters, and fungi, if any. This is advised to ensure that the spaces are smoothened and leveled before going ahead. Look to fill up any cracks and holes with proper filling agents too.
  3. Pick the correct water-proofer– The market today is flooded with options of water-proofers that can be used at various stages. For instance, a primer layer & waterproofing solution to be applied before the paints, a putty layer before the primer, concrete sealers to be mixed with cement and mortar at the time of construction, or even waterproof paints for walls for direct end-stage application.
  4. Apply the water-proofer– Once the desired water-proofer is selected, apply it to all selected spaces with the help of professional painters. Let it dry well. Check again after the walls have dried up before re-painting. This is to ensure that the walls do not remain damp, moist, and hollow. If the moisture remains, it might require additional layers of emulsions and additives.
  5. Final Test– After the above processes are over, it is time now to run a test to check the effectiveness and durability of the waterproofing solution applied. This can be done by either showering walls with water for a couple of hours or wiping them with a heavily dampened cloth. To examine the result of the test, request the painter for a moisture meter test. If it shows no moisture, the applied waterproofing solution has worked.

When discussing a house structure, it’s unanimous that walls carry the heaviest weight of the structure. Therefore it becomes imperative to work unceasingly for the health of these walls and protect them from seepage and dampness. Make sure appropriate waterproofing solutions are adopted well in time for strength and longevity.

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