Why Should I Incorporate Weight Loss Counseling into My Weight Loss Program?

Weight loss counseling entails the emotional and mental health conditions that may be

affecting your weight loss. Your weight loss counseling at Nova Physician Wellness Center

combines other proven-successful options for better results. Contact the experts for Ashburn

weight-loss counseling and other services to optimize your health.

Furthermore, if you want to learn about the secrets to losing weight and staying fit, visit https://dental-hypnosis.com/.

What is weight loss counseling?

Weight loss counseling aims to help you identify specific mental and emotional health factors impairing your weight loss management. Altering your knowledge, behaviors, and thoughts about food and exercise can help you shed weight and live a healthier lifestyle.

For better outcomes, Dr. Suri includes behavioral therapy or weight loss counseling into your weight loss program. He provides customized exercise plans, physical and medical exams, nutrition training, and other services.

Your treatment begins with an in-depth consultation where Dr. Suri discusses your general approach to food, current dietary habits, and nutrition knowledge. He lets you discover the behaviors impacting your weight loss efforts, for instance, habitual snacking on candy.

Trigger Foods

Trigger foods are those that tend to cause you to binge or overeat. They trigger cravings and, most times, an emotional connection to the specific food. Dr. Suri helps you identify creative ways of managing these trigger foods. Such options include reducing them from your home, changing behaviors around them at social occasions, and replacing them with a healthier alternative.

Dr. Suri targets your behavioral interventions and mindfulness to enlighten you on certain trigger foods. Mindfulness is all about being present at the moment while focusing on what you are ingesting and why. Mindfulness helps you tune your body’s cues of hunger and satiety. Exposure to unhealthy and tempting food can strengthen your mindset and resistance over time.

How can weight loss counseling benefit me?

Weight loss counseling has numerous benefits. Emotional cling and cravings for a particular food can affect your weight loss tremendously. Weight loss counseling lets you plan your shopping and food in advance, arranging an optimal environment for weight loss. It may also include written weight loss objectives to give you a smooth journey.

Since your distinct lifestyle plays a significant role in your weight loss’s success or failure, Dr. Suri recommends stocking up healthy snacks and engaging your friends and family as you practice mindfulness. After your first visit, your nutritionist develops a meal plan that is befitting to your unique needs.

What does a weight loss program entail?

A typical weight loss program includes:

  • Body composition testing
  • Meal planning
  • Medication
  • Behavioral counseling

What can I expect from a weight loss program?

Every individual is different concerning the speed of weight loss. Your success rate is dependent on your starting weight, age, and adherence to dietary guidelines. However, trusting the board-certified obesity medicine team of Nova Physician Wellness Center ensures more remarkable results in a safe and effective process.

To transform your body in a safe and proven way that ensures superior results, contact Nova Physician Wellness Center for a customized weight loss program. Call their offices, or use the online one-click scheduling tool to book your first appointment.

Learn more about the weight loss methods and medical procedures that you can try, on this website: www.breakingbio.org

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