A Beginner’s Guide to Dental Crowns

Dental crowns, also known as “caps,” are a great way to restore a decayed tooth or protect a weak one. They’re typically made from porcelain and metal alloys like chrome, nickel, molybdenum, titanium, and gold. A Hilliard crowns specialist fits the crowns over the entire visible surface of your tooth, allowing it to function as if that tooth was never damaged or decayed.

You can use a crown to restore a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment, strengthen an existing filling, cover a dental implant, or protect a weak tooth.

It is recommended that you have a dental crown fitted to your tooth instead of opting for implants, as many patients find them more comfortable to bite down on.

Who Needs Dental Crowns?

Crowns can help if you have decayed teeth, particularly if you have experienced tooth decay to the point where your tooth has become too weak to hold conventional dental fillings. You may also need dental crowns if you have undergone root canal treatment or other types of cavity filling that have left your teeth weakened. You can also use dental crowns to protect a tooth as it heals from filling or root canal treatment.

Crowns are also sometimes used as a cosmetic solution for teeth that have been worn down by years of grinding or have been chipped due to injury. Crowns can help restore the appearance of your smile and provide you with protection from further damage.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Protect Your Teeth From Further Damage

Crowns have a design that aims to protect the tooth and provide it with additional strength. This means that they can prevent your tooth from sustaining chipping or cracking if you accidentally bite into something too hard for your teeth, such as an ice cream bar. Crowns can also prevent your teeth from chipping or fracturing if you grind them excessively at night without wearing a mouthguard. In addition, crowns will protect your tooth from root canal treatment, as they provide additional protection to the tooth and help to prevent it from becoming too dark in color.

Restore Your Damaged or Decayed Teeth

You can use crowns to restore your teeth after undergoing root canal treatment. If you have received a filling for tooth decay, crowns can strengthen your tooth and prevent them from fracturing under pressure. Crowns are also helpful if you have accidentally chipped, cracked, or broken one of your teeth into multiple pieces. The crown will help to restore your tooth so that it looks as good as new.

Enhance the Appearance of Your Smile

Crowns can help restore a worn or damaged tooth to improve its appearance, and it is no longer noticeable when you smile. Crowns are sometimes made from porcelain, making them an excellent choice for a tooth that has become stained or discolored due to aging, root canal treatment, or an injury. Porcelain crowns can also be used to make teeth appear larger by covering up gaps in between your teeth and providing the appearance of a complete set of pearly whites.

In summary, dental crowns are prosthetic teeth caps permanently sealed to the top of an existing root structure. You may need them if you have decayed teeth or if you have undergone a root canal. They can help restore damaged teeth, improve your appearance, and protect your teeth from further damage.

You can also check the website https://www.takingcareofmyliver.com/ to get fantastic dental guidance. In the case of a dental problem, this website will be extremely helpful.

Learn more about the dental problems and their possible solutions, on this website: www.wellness786.com

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