5 Things Companies Should Know About Low-Code/No-Code Software

Software requiring low or no coding may be a viable option for firms that desire “customized” technical solutions but can’t afford an in-house development team. The market for computer talents is competitive.

According to TagetTech, low code development platforms include user-friendly, visual interfaces — frequently with “drag and drop” components and built-in and customizable scripts — and allow “citizen developers” to construct and configure systems to handle unique processes. LCNC development platforms provide visual, user-friendly interfaces. This allows development teams to build unique software more quickly and easily, and provides them with more liberty.

1. Protecting one’s digital assets should be the first priority.

In the hyper-connected world of business that we live in, it is essential to understand that this integration is a business choice that comes with cyber risks associated with the supply chain. As a consequence of this, the cybersecurity team needs to be included in the decision-making process and given the authority to evaluate the cyber risks, and this should not be an afterthought.

2. Artificial intelligence systems still need oversight from humans

Even while low-code and no-code technologies are becoming more advanced to empower citizen creators, there is still a need for human intelligence in some capacity, particularly when it comes to artificial intelligence. When it comes to the issue of ensuring that responsible AI outputs are produced, an autonomous decision-making system that was generated via no-code technologies might lead to major problems.

3. When it comes to automation, using low code might be a helpful way to “take baby steps.”

It is simple to see why chief information security officers (CISOs) are interested in automation in the face of a talent crisis; yet, typical full-code automation calls for a degree of manpower, experience, and time that most teams are unable to accommodate.

Teams now have an easier way to get started with automation thanks to low-code solutions, which merge human and machine intelligence into a single system of record. This allows teams to build their automation at a speed that is compatible with their process.

4. It is essential to take compatibility and scalability into consideration.

When choosing an LCNC platform, the two most crucial factors to take into consideration are the system’s compatibility and its capacity to scale.

It is essential for companies to choose a platform whose software and service offerings are capable of expanding in tandem with the company as a whole. A sturdy platform helps organizations to develop in a natural way, allowing them to avoid any potential interruptions that may occur as a result of updating their software system.

5. It shouldn’t cause a distraction from the end user’s experience.

LCNC is the clear winner when it comes to completing any task involving a component of operational automation. However, you should be cautious not to get carried away by solutions that need no code or little code.

To conclude

These solutions should not prevent you from focusing on the end-user or differentiating your product. Put yourself in a critical position and ask: “If it’s so easy to do again, is it really worth doing?” If LCNC is the solution to the problem of operational automation, then you should implement it.

However, if it is related to the business of end-users, you should reconsider. According to Forbes, executives of firms that are implementing low-code or no-code software solutions must understand all these solutions can achieve and the possible downsides.

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